Wednesday, 26 October 2011

So much to do so little time

With reading week half gone what have I read! not many books, but an awful lot of twitter and Facebook, nope not lazy, just doing research for my Media Relations and Social Media Assignment.

I've been staring at the screen for two days, (that reminds me I must wear my reading glasses) and I've made headway, wether my group mate Serge will think I have or not is yet to be seen, (maybe I can cheer him up with banana cake)

I blog as thoughts come into my mind. I'm looking forward to Halloween and bonfire night, I'm going to take a bunch of students from the halls upto Blackheath for the fireworks and If we get organised enough we are trying to get a BBQ for them. in a way as Paul Simpson one of the lecturers said I'm doing PR just by organising it, getting people together, communicating with them, informing them, this is PR in practice.

Now going to try and resurrect my RSS reader and update my linkedin profile, clocks ticking...........

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The perils of group work


Thats the cry that goes up in class when you know it's part of the course, theres the rush to get the perceived "good workers" it's like being selected in PE for teams, nobody want's to get lumbered with the kid who has two left feet and couldn't hit the side of a barn.

But is it all bad? working in a group can be great fun as long as rules are laid down from the start and non group participants are removed from the group early on, Groups need the ability to kick off members who don't contribute or don't turn up. This needs to be understood from the start by all members.

Am I happy working in a group, can I answer that over the next few weeks?

Monday, 3 October 2011

Well this was unexpected!

After my last Blog over a year ago where I said it would be my last, I've learned to say, never say never. Having finished my degree at University of Greenwich, I've now decided on more literary punishment and started a Masters in PR.

Today is the start of week three and having spent the first two weeks getting to know my new classmates it truly is an international course with students from all over the world.

There have been some high and low spots since my previous Blogs, high - graduating, Low the very sad loss to suicide of one of my classmates, Jose, who would of been in his element on the PR MA, I still miss him. The graduation ceremony was poorer for him not being there.

So here I am again, having to write a blog under duress for the course I'm studying. I think that blogging has a limited life and within a few years will have vanished as a fad - let history prove me wrong but as a stand alone form of social media it's limited and unless you invest time in keeping it updated and current, can become just another time consuming part of your media life.

This is my first visit of this new stage in my life and lets see where it goes.